Faculty and students in the Department of History and Philosophy participate in active academic research. Each history major student conducts research and writes a paper to meet their degree requirement and faculty are actively engaged in research. Find more information about each faculty's current research, books, articles, and presentations below.
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Hilary Dickerson
Current Research: Cultural exchanges between Japan and the U.S. from the 1920s-1950s, particularly focused on the lives on Nobuo Tatsuguchi and B.P. Hoffman
Twentieth Century American History; Japan, particularly from the Meiji-Era to the American Occupation; America during World War II and the Cold War; US foreign policy
Articles and Chapters:
“Atomic Legacies in Censored Print: Newspapers and the Meaning of Nuclear War,” in Legacies of the Manhattan Project: Reflections on 75 Years of a Nuclear World, edited by Michael Mays. Washington State University Press, July 2020.
"Occupying the ‘Vacuum’: Conflicting Interpretations of Christianity in Post-War Japan.” The Journal of Social Science No. 64. Published by the Social Science Research Institute at International Christian University, Mitaka, Tokyo. March 2008.
“ ‘Divine’ Intervention: American Religious Narratives of the Atomic Bombings, the End of the Pacific War, and the Allied Occupation.” The Journal of Social Science No. 60 COE Special Edition. Published by the Social Science Research Institute at International Christian University, Mitaka, Tokyo. March 2007.
"Hoffman, Benjamin Philip (1889-1967)" in Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. February. 1, 2024. Article Found Here
Academic Presentations and Conference Papers:
Lecture: “‘Thus Closed One of the Most Interesting Years of My Life:’ Finding B. P. Hoffman in the Archives.” 39th Annual Meeting of the Association of Seventh-day Adventist Librarians. June, 2019. Silver Spring, Maryland.
Lecture: “This is Your Life: Hope and Fear in Early Cold War America.” Fallout Weekend. Southwestern Adventist University. November, 2015. Keene, Texas.
“From Adventist Missionary to Government Agent: B.P. Hoffman’s Transnational Pacific.” Paper presented at the Ninth Triennial ASDAH Conference. May, 2019. Keene, Texas.
“‘Bring Cheer and Courage to Our Friends’: Advocates, Allies, and Agents Confront the Japanese-American Internment.” Paper Presented at the Donald Blake Center for the the Study of Race, Ethnicity and Class 3rd Annual Conference. April, 2019. Walla Walla, Washington.
“Friends in Peace and War: The Transnational Lives of Nobuo Tatsuguchi and B.P. Hoffman.” Paper presented at the Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference. March, 2019. Denver, Colorado.
“B.P. Hoffman’s Transpacific Ties in War and Occupation.” Paper presented at Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast Annual Conference. June, 2018. Pullman, Washington.
“‘Will Die for Cause of Imperial Edict:’ Paul Tatsuguchi’s Transnationalism in a Time of War.” Paper presented at the Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast Annual Conference. June, 2017. Salem, Oregon.
“‘You Are the Opposite of What You Say and the Opposite of Us’: America’s Atomic Bomb in Japan’s English-Language Newspapers.” Paper presented at the Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast Annual Conference. June, 2015. Stockton, California.
“Atomic Legacies in Censored Print: Japan’s English-Language Newspapers and the Occupation.” Paper presented at the Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast Annual Conference. June, 2013. Monterey, California.
“Lambs for the Slaughter: Japan’s Christians Interpret the Atomic Bomb and the American Occupation.” Paper presented at the Western Association of Women Historians 2012 Conference. May, 2012. Berkeley, California.
“Occupying the ‘Vacuum’: Conflicting Memories of Christianity in Post-War Japan.” Paper presented at the Pacific Coast Branch American Historical Association 101st Annual Meeting. August, 2008. Pasadena, California.
“Using Controversial Imagery and Language to Encourage Social Responsibility in College Students.” Presentation at the Joint Conference of the National Popular Culture Association and the American Culture Associations. March, 2008. San Francisco, California.
“‘Divine’ Intervention: American Religious Narratives of the Atomic Bombings, the End of the Pacific War, and the Allied Occupation.” Paper presented at the 40th Annual Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast Conference. June, 2006. Washington State University, Pullman.
Panel Chair: “Perspectives on Representation and Identity,” Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast Annual Conference. June, 2018. Pullman, Washington.
Gregory Dodds
Current Research: The Common People and Religious Toleration in Restoration England.

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The following excerpt comes from the University of Toronto Press Catalogue.
Desiderius Erasmus’ humanist works were influential throughout Europe, in various areas of thought including theology, education, philology, and political theory. Exploiting Erasmus examines the legacy of Erasmus in England from the mid-sixteenth century to the overthrow of James II in 1688 and studies the various ways in which his works were received, manipulated, and used in religious controversies that threatened both church and state.
In viewing movements and events such as the rise of anti-Calvinism, the religious politics leading to the English civil war, and the emergence of the Latitudinarians during the Restoration, Gregory Dodds provides a fascinating account not only of the reception and effects of Erasmus’ works, but also of the early history of English Protestantism. Exploiting Erasmus offers a critical new angle for rethinking the theology and rhetoric of the time. It is a remarkable study of Erasmus’ influence on issues of conformity, tolerance, war, and peace.
Articles and Book Chapters:
“Erasmus and the Public Memory of the Reformation in Restoration England.” Erasmus Studies. Forthcoming, 2020.
“‘Cabals of Zeal’: Liberty, Security, and the Common People in the writings of Samuel Parker and Richard Baxter,” in Arthur F. Marotti, ed., New Ways of Looking at Old Texts. Forthcoming, 2019.
“Politicizing Thomas More’s Utopia in Restoration England,” Moreana Vol. 54 (Number 208), Iss. 2, University of Edinburgh Press. December, 2017, 172-186.
"An Accidental Historian: Erasmus and the English History of the Reformation." Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture. Cambridge University Press. June 2013.
"'Betwixt Heaven and Hell': Religious Toleration and the Reception of Erasmus in Restoration England," in Karl Enenkel, ed., Intersections: The Reception of Erasmus in the Early Modern Period. Brill, 2013.
"Joseph Hall, Thomas Fuller, and the Erasmian Via Media in Early Stuart England," in Steven Ryle, ed., Erasmus and the Republic of Letters. London: Brepols, 2013.
"Remembering the Wars of Religion: Huguenots and the Problem of Religious Toleration in Restoration England," in David Trim, ed., Huguenots in history and memory: essays in honour and memory of Walter Utt. Brill, 2011.
"Erasmus' Paraphrases, anti-Calvinism, and the seventeenth century debate about the English Reformation." Erasmus of Rotterdam Society Yearbook, Vol. 27 (2007), 59-69.
“‘Puritane Punke’: Rewriting Erasmus in Early Seventeenth-Century England,” in Erasmus of Rotterdam Society Yearbook. Vol. 26 (2006), 43-58.
Academic Presentations and Conference Papers:
Roundtable participant: “Pedagogy of Service” presentation as part of a roundtable exploring service and community engagement in the academy at Sixteenth Century Studies Conference. St. Louis. Upcoming, October, 2019.
Paper: “Regicide and the Rediscovery of Pre-Reformation Humanism.” Paper presented at Renaissance Society of America conference. Toronto, Canada. April, 2019.
Plenary Lecture: “The Last Erasmians: Contesting the Public Memory of the Reformation in Restoration England.” Roland Bainton Plenary Lecture – delivered at Sixteenth Century Studies Conference. Albuquerque, NM. November, 2018.
“'Idoliz’d Model of a Commonwealth’: Politics and Thomas More’s Utopia in Restoration England.” Paper presented at Renaissance Society of America conference. Boston. April, 2016.
“’Vulgar passions will to tumult grow’: National Security and the Common People in Restoration England.” Paper presented at the Renaissance Society of America conference. Berlin, Germany. March, 2015.
“Making evidence for anti-Catholic histories in early modern England.” Paper presented at the Reformation Studies Colloquium, Cambridge University. Cambridge, UK. September, 2014.
“‘Cabals of Zeal:’ Popularity, Social Anxiety, and Vulgar Rhetoric in Restoration England.” Paper presented at Renaissance Society of America conference in New York. March, 2014.
“Erasmus as Historian.” Paper presented at Renaissance Society of America conference in Washington, D.C. March, 2012.
“Erasmianism, Roger L’Estrange, and the defense of intolerance.” Paper presented at the conference Intersections: Around Erasmus. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. January, 2011.
“Peace, Toleration, and the Problem of Security in Restoration England.” Paper presented at Conference on Faith and History: The Search for Peace, Justice, and Equality. George Fox University. October, 2010.
“Competing Models of Religious Toleration.” Paper presented at Renaissance Society of America conference in Venice, Italy. April, 2010.
“Huguenots and the Fall of James II.” Paper presented at the Association of Seventh-day Adventist Historians conference in Washington, D.C. March, 2010.
“Erasmus, partisanship and civility.” Inaugural lecture for the Nylander Memorial Humanities Speaker Series. Ellensburg, WA. November, 2009.
“Lancelot Andrewes and the Legacy of English Humanism at the Early Stuart Court.” Paper given at Renaissance Society of America conference. Los Angeles, CA. April, 2009.
“Talking Nice: Erasmus and Civility.” Inquiring Minds presentation for Humanities Washington. Speakers’ Bureau 2008-2009 and 2009-2010.
“Thomas More, Censorship, and the English Civil War.” Invited paper given at the Triennial International Thomas More Conference: Thomas More, Man of Letters. Massachusetts Center for Renaissance Studies at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. August, 2007.
“Moderate Calvinists and Erasmus in Early Stuart England.” Paper given at the Pacific Coast Conference of British Studies. Puget Sound University, WA. April, 2007.
“Erasmus and anti-Calvinist Polemic in Seventeenth Century England.” Paper given at Renaissance Society of America conference. Miami, FL. March, 2007.
“Joseph Hall, Thomas Fuller, and the Erasmian via media.” Paper given at Erasmus and the Republic of Letters—a conference marking the centenary of the publication of the first volume of P.S. Allen’s edition of the letters of Erasmus. Corpus Christi College, Oxford University. September, 2006.
“Framing the Paraphrases: Decatholicizing Erasmus in Reformation England.” Paper given at Renaissance Society of America conference. San Francisco, CA. March, 2006.
“‘Puritan Punk:’ Rewriting Erasmus in Early Seventeenth Century England.” Paper given at the joint conference of the Renaissance Society of America and the U.K. Society for Renaissance Studies. Cambridge University, UK. April, 2005.
“The Humanist Response to the Turkish Threat.” Paper presented at Claremont Early Modern Studies Conference. Claremont, CA. Spring, 2002.
“Erasmus and Islam.” Paper presented at Association of Western Adventist Historians conference. Spring 2002.
“Archbishop Ussher and the Politics of History.” Paper presented at the Association of Adventist Historians conference held at Andrews University. Berrien Springs, MI. Spring 2001.
Linda Emmerson
Current Areas of Research and Presentation: The relevance of the moral theories of Aristotle, Epicurus, and Epictetus for contemporary ethical discourse. The influence of ancient Greek and Roman thinkers upon the formation of Christian doctrine.
Monique Roddy
Madaba Plains Project 9: The 2004 Season at Tall al-ʿUmayri and Subsequent Studies. Edited by L. G. Herr, D. R. Clark, L. T. Geraty, and M. D. Vincent. Riverside, CA: La Sierra University/Center for Near Eastern Archaeology and University Park, PA: Eisenbrauns. 2020.
Madaba Plains Project 8: The 2002 Season at Tall al-ʿUmayri and Subsequent Studies. Edited by L. G. Herr, D. R. Clark, L. T. Geraty, and M. D. Vincent. Riverside, CA: La Sierra University/Center for Near Eastern Archaeology and University Park, PA: Eisenbrauns. 2019
Madaba Plains Project 7: The 2000 Season at Tall al-ʿUmayri and Subsequent Studies. Edited by L. G. Herr, D. R. Clark, L. T. Geraty, and M. D. Vincent Riverside, CA: La Sierra University/Center for Near Eastern Archaeology and Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns. 2017.
Articles and Book Chapters:
“Khirbet al-Balu’a” with K. Bramlett and F. Ninow. Pp. 61-62 in Archaeology in Jordan Newsletter: 2016 and 2017 Seasons. ACOR: Amman, Jordan. 2018.
“The Early Iron 1 Egyptian and Egyptian-style Objects at Tall al-ʿUmayri.” Pp. 442-457 in Herr, L. G. et al. eds. Madaba Plains Project 6: The 1996/1998 Season at Tall al-ʿUmayri and Subsequent Studies. Berrien Springs, Michigan: Andrews University Press. 2014.
“Baluʿa Regional Archaeology Project” with M. Vincent and F. Ninow. Pp. 649-650 in Corbett, J. et al. eds. “Archaeology in Jordan, 2012-2013 Seasons.” American Journal of Archaeology 118(4): 627-676. 2014.
Academic Presentations and Conference Papers:
“The Madaba Plains Project: 50 Years of Adventist Archaeology” at the 2019 Triennial Conference of the Association for Seventh-Day Adventist Historians. Keene, TX. May 2019.
“Excavating the Moabites at Khirbat al-Baluʿa” at the Annual Meeting of the Pacific Northwest Region–American Academy of Religion & Society of Biblical Literature. Ellensburg, WA. May 2019.
“What Fifty Years of Excavating in Central Jordan Have Taught Us” co-presenter and panelist, La Sierra University Archaeology Discovery Weekend. Riverside, CA. November 2018.
“The Life of a Pot” with Jody Washburn for the William Landeen Lecture at Walla Walla University. April 2018.
“Moved by the Moabites: The New Excavations at Khirbat al-Baluʿa, Jordan” at Walla Walla University, a colloquium presentation for the Department of History. March 2018.
“The 2017 Season of Excavation at Khirbat al-Baluʿa: In Search of Patterns of Settlement” with F. Ninow and K. Bramlett at the American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting in Boston, MA. November 2017.
“Households, Communities, and Dimensions of Social Identity in the Early Iron Age at Tall al- ʿUmayri, Jordan” at the American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting in Boston, MA. November 2017.
“Walk Like a Canaanite: How to Become an Archaeologist” at Walla Walla University, a colloquium presentation for the Department of History and the School of Theology. January 2017.
“Households, Communities, and Dimensions of Social Identity at Tall al-ʿUmayri, Jordan” at the 10th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (ICAANE) in Vienna, Austria. April 2016.
“Early Iron Age Households and Community at Tall al-ʿUmayri, Jordan” at the American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA. November 2015.
“Balking at Balks: New Approaches to Section Drawings,” a poster presented with M. Vincent and J. Logee at the American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA. November 2015.
“New 14C Dates for Late Bronze and Iron I Strata from Tall al-ʿUmayri” with K. Bramlett, E. Taylor, and D. Clark at the American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA. November 2015.
“Last Moments at ʿUmayri: Daily Life in Early Iron Age Transjordan” at the Society for American Archaeology 79th Annual Meeting in Austin, TX. April 2014.
“Households, Communities, and Dimensions of Social Identity in the Early Iron Age at Tall al-‘Umayri” at the American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting in Baltimore, MD. November 2013.
“The 2012 Season at Khirbat al-Balu’a: Report on the Completion of the GPS Mapping Project and Continued Excavation” at the American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting in Baltimore, MD. November 2013. Co-authored by Matthew Vincent and Friedbert Ninow.
“Households, Communities, and Dimensions of Social Identity in the Early Iron Age at Tall al-ʿUmayri” at the International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan XII in Berlin, Germany. May 2013.
“The 2011 Excavations at Tall al-ʿUmayri, Jordan: Another ‘Four-room’ House?” with D. Clark at the American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA. November 2011.
“Feasting Like an Egyptian: Egyptian Objects in a Four-Room House” at the La Sierra University Archaeology Discovery Weekend in Riverside, CA. November 2011.
“The Early Iron I Egyptian and Egyptian-style Objects at Tall al-ʿUmayri: Contexts and Parallels” at the American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA. November 2010.
“The Early Iron I Egyptian and Egyptian-style Objects at Tall al-ʿUmayri: Contexts and Parallels” at The Interdisciplinary Archaeology Workshop, University of Chicago. October 2010.